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Here is some huge news! West OK Co-Op is getting a home! A beautiful brick and mortar building built in 1925 at downtown Clinton, OK. The new home of West OK Co-Op will house everything an artist could ask for. Think of a workout gym but for artists: Space and tools for Music recording and practice, painting, drawing/chalk/sketch, pottery and ceramics, graphic design, knitting/sewing, and so much more.

The space is currently in renovation in high degree. New plumbing, electrical, heat and air are currently being updated. After these staples are finished the work will begin to shape the space into a magical art haven.

Not For Profit - We Think

West OK Co-Op is currently filing to become an official non-profit organization. The board will consist of Jason Smith, Bear Rodriguez and Meredith Smith. Currently, funding is being provided by the Smith family but future donation avenues are planned to be executed.

It is the hope of the board that the West OK Co-Op art space can be a free space for adult artists, learning children and professionals alike to serve the Western Oklahoma area and visitors. If donations and grants are not able to cover expenses, some form of donated membership may be utilized. We are always seeking guidance and information, so if you have ideas or wisdom in the field please feel free to contact us!

We can't wait to get this space up and running for the area! We hope your ready for a beautiful space to commune over art. So many plans to come!

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